Admissions & Fees

  School Fees 2024


 These can be paid by EFT or or through the D6 Connect Wallet or this SnapScan Link

 Banking Details

Greenfield Girls’ Primary School
Standard Bank – Claremont
Branch Code: 025 109
Current Account Number: 071 854 576
Reference: Please use Learner Name, Surname and Account Number



Grade R – R40 600 per annum

R38 600 R40 600 per Learner (Less R2 000 Upfront payment offset against fees)
R36 670 If paid in full by the end of February by EFT (5% Discount)
R37 635 If Paid in full by the end of February using App-based Payments including Snapscan and D6
R38 600 If Paid by Debit order of R3 860 over 10 months (Jan to Oct inclusive)

Grade 1 to 3 – R38 600 per annum

R36 670 If paid in full by the end of February you get a 5% Discount
R37 635 If Paid in full by the end of February using App-based Payments including Snapscan and D6 (2.5% Discount)
R38 600 If Paid by Debit order of R3 860 over 10 months (Jan to Oct inclusive)

Grade 4 to 7  – R38 600 plus Camp Fees (Gr 4 & 5 = R1 200)/ (Gr 6 & 7 = R1 400)

R37 870/ R38 070 If paid in full by the end of February you get a 5% Discount (no discount on Camp fee)
R38 835/ R39 035 If Paid in full by the end of February using App-based Payments  (2.5% Discount on fees not Camp Fee)
R39 800/ R40 000

If Paid by Debit order of R3 980/ R4 000 over 10 months (Jan to Oct inclusive)

Aftercare Fees

A. Annual Membership: R10 500

B. Ad-hoc Attendance: R 55 for the first half hour, thereafter R110 for the day, Capped at R1 300 for the month (For 12 months)

Payments billed monthly. Due for settlement by the 7th of each month.

 Annual Membership Payment Options

R10 500 If paid in full by the end of February by EFT you get a 5% Discount
R10 235 If Paid in full by the end of February using App-based Payments including Snapscan and D6 (2.5% Discount )
R10 500 If Paid by Debit order or Monthly EFT – R1 050 over 10 months (Jan to Oct inclusive)


Click on the links below:

Admission Form

Banking Details

Greenfield Girls’ Primary School, Standard Bank, Claremont, Branch Code: 025109, Current Account Number: 071854576

Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ


Click HERE to pay by Snapscan


Fees Structure

Click on the link below:

School & Aftercare 2024